Monday, January 31, 2005

Great dinner ...

Last night we had a really nice 'family style' Sunday dinner with good friends. Jennifer cooked a wicked vegitarian chile. Joining us were Simon & Ruth, Tris and my cousin Adam. The only downside was that we had lit the fire earlier in the day and I closed the flue before all of the embers had fully extinguished. The house was just a tad smoky!!!

New site

I have replaced Lees Consulting with a new resume site. So far, there is only the home page, but I plan to populate the rest of the site over the next few days.

Updating Links

I have been working each of the sites on LeesOrg correcting broken links (mainly on the photo navigation arrows). If anyone notices bad links, please let me know.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Monday, January 10, 2005

Jennifer & Mark Reloaded

The Jennifer & Mark site has been updated with photos of our wedding, trips, and other news. Check it out .....

Sunday, January 09, 2005

New friends ...

Having heard from an old friend during the week, this weekend we met some new arrivals to DC. Jonathan and Amanada are friends of friends from the UK, and working at the British Embassy. We had a great dinner at their home, Amanda is an amazing cook. On Sunday, we went to see 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou'. It was not great, and I would not recommend it.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Old friends ...

LinkedIn is a great business networking service that enables virtual communities. It also lets you find old friends. I was excited to receive an email from a friend from college a couple of days ago. He is also living in the US. It was great to catch up. I recommend checking LinkedIn out.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Miami Photos

Photo's of our new year's eve trip to Miami have been posted. I have split these into New Year's Eve, South Beach and the Biltmore. It was a great trip.

New Year 2005

We arrived back at about 1:30pm last night, having spent New Year's Eve in Miami. Photos will be posted soon. It was a great trip with friends from DC. Although only there for 4 days, it felt like longer. New Year's Eve itself was spent at Nobu Miami. It was absolutely fantastic. I am not sure that I can eat Sushi again ... not sure it can live up to Nobu's. We visited Coral Gables, where we were staying, and South Beach. The highlight was the Delano, very cool. Apparently there were celebs at the hotel, but I missed them all. Jennifer had a great massage. Our hotel was a little disappointing and I would not recommend it. We did get upgraded a suite, though, which was very nice. Now back to work .....