Monday, February 21, 2005

Visiting Philadelphia

We visited Philadelphia for the President's Day holiday weekend. This weekend mark's four years since we met in DC. It was great to get away. Philly was fun, we didn't go to the usual places - Liberty Bell and Independence Hall as we had both seen these on previous visits.

We did go to the new Constituition Museum, which was really well done, and the Rodin Museum. We also saw the Lewis and Clark exhibition at the Natural History Museum - which is a really fascinating story. We had wanted to see the Dali exhibit at the Museum of Art, unfortunately it was sold out for all of the days we were there.

We stayed in Society Hill, in the historic district and ate very well at local restaurants. I strongly recommend Fork and Sfizzio, as well as the Continental Martini Bar.

All in all a great trip. You can photos here.

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